Monday, May 23, 2011


Okay so I've been officially cramming in last minute schoolwork this week so we headed to the Evergreen library (on Aborn) yesterday. After watching a boy dance in front of us for a few minutes and laughing at the loudest and longest fart (through my headphones) in the library, Shaun took out one of his headphones because I was telling him something and I put it in his shirt (like the picture). So after a couple minutes, i see him grabbing air next to his face and touching his ear.

Me: What the heck are you doing?
Shaun: I'm wondering why it's not working.
I grab the earphone out of his shirt and show him..
Shaun: Ohhhh. Haha. I felt the wire to this ear (right) and I felt the wire (left) to this one and I thought it was in my ear. I thought it wasn't working.
Me: You don't remember me putting it in your shirt?
Shaun: Haha no I thought it was in my ear.

UH HUH that was was sooo worth it after hearing annoying little kids scream, people walking around us waiting for us to leave, and people talking on their cell phones so loudly.

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